This edition is no longer available, a new second edition coming soon...
A review in Radiant Magazine...

A review from Hawk Alfredson in New York City...
Photo by Mia Hanson
"The Earth Changes by Anne Fallas transported me to a mystical space
similar to the films by the renowned director Andrey Tarkovsky.
Anne's work is a unique blend of Mystic and Gaian Intelligence.
It's the place on the page where Heaven and Earth can meet.
It is the space where reality can shift and miracles can happen...
Anne's book takes you on this journey."
Hawk Alfredson.
New York City.
Hawk Alfredson, is a surrealist painter and visionary artist. He paints what HE can see.
Hawk lives in New York City with his wife, the photographer Mia Hanson.
A review from Gretchen Cornwall of World Tree Music...
A review from the Amazon...
Trainer & Coach Frankie Sikes took ‘The Earth Changes’ with him
to Brazil and is pictured below reading the book on a boat on the Amazon.
What an appropriate setting for the message of transformation and honouring the planet!
This is how Frankie describes Anne’s book:
“Anne Fallas´s The Earth Changes describes how a small,
rural ex-pat community experiences the ‘shift’ that so many people have
been talking about in 2011-2012 and is rich in describing the practical
dilemmas that they face. Catastrophic events are alluded to but the
intention of this book, or so it seems, is to plunge the reader into the
emotional world of the survivors as they, (in some cases reluctantly),
experience the shifts in consciousness that accompany the turning of the
age!As they reconnect to the Earth in order to survive, the characters sense of who they think they are is shaken to the core as they also begin to tune in to the unseen creative forces that surround them.
We badly need a language and a narrative that brings ‘developed’ people back into their rightful role as intermediaries between the creative force of the universe and the beautiful earth. This book is important because it does just that!”
Frankie is an experienced and qualified Trainer, (PTLLS), Counsellor, (Dip), Hypnotherapist, (Dip) and Motivational Interviewer, (MINT), with a particular interest in motivational enhancement, positive behaviour change and individual and organisational well-being, as well as many other aspects of Personal and Professional Development.
He is also a guide at Walking in Spirit, a 7 day, meditative, walking retreat in Somiedo Natural Park, Asturias Spain.
“It’s my mission to help people reconnect with the natural world. Right now that seems like THE most important thing that we all need to do!”
“Over the last 12 years Frankie has become known for his engaging style and, for the speed at which he is able to help people learn new skills and become more effective in the workplace. He is also able to help you overcome a wide variety of personal problems and professional and organisational difficulties through private consultation.”
A review from the Orkneys...
Reading Anne`s book was a deja vue experience for me. For years I had always thought of The Hut on an island in Orkney as my bolthole if I needed an escape. Now Anne was describing it in Earth Changes! The Hut is a place of self sufficiency - no electricity, no running water and exposed to the elements. A place of safety and comfort but more importantly of spiritual regeneration. This to me was captured in Earth Changes. Anne`s description of the characters, and their intertwined lives was a compulsive read. Its written from her inner being and the reader connects and feels challenged and comforted by the storyline.
Pictured above is me inside the Hut reading Earth Changes.
“Anne Fallas’ “The Earth Changes” sets out with a back to basics adventure as a small group of friends try to set up a self supporting sustainable eco-community living off the grid and in tune with nature in rural France. Following changes in their personal lives the characters explore new paths which lead them to a greater awareness of their personal creativity and inner selves, thus far a traditional tale of self development and of living life with integrity.
The tale then ascends a few levels as parallels are drawn between the development of the inner and outer worlds, which portray mankind’s interrelationship with the world about and the cosmos at large. I particularly enjoyed the authors inspiring and poetic descriptions of how the higher frequencies of celestial energy set about transformations throughout the universe by introducing changes at a subtle level of energies, much akin in my view to how contemporary theories of quantum mechanics and string theory that propose macro level changes spring forth from micro level adjustments. In this case however the changes are more than physical, being of spiritual and energy body systems themselves and of the subsequent cognitive and perceptive abilities.
I also thought the author explained very well that such changes will take place irrespective of a persons choice to recognise or accept them, that people may choose to remain in illusion if they wish. The supposition being that old ways of approaching a unified world and its united life forces would become unpractical, a burden and obstacle to successful integration with the new holistic communities that will organically evolve.
Ranging from a tale of personal development and marrying this through a physical and energetic tidal wave that sets the Earth and her denizens upon a new vista of cosmic awareness, inter species respect and cooperation. This book portrays in down to Earth terms how normal people could adjust to the spiritual changes foreseen, manages to carry off this task without becoming overly ‘far out’ and thus remains accessible to people who may not have previously been introduced to such ideas.
I warmly recommend The Earth Changes therefore to all readers who have even a passing awareness of the ecosphere and its damage at the hands of mankind, who have any interest at all in the actual evolution of spirtual awareness and who are are ready to hear positive views of how we may survive the modern worlds desecration of the sacred in all things.” Bright Blessings ~ Celestial Elf (Beyond The 9th Wave ~)
“I just wanted to say that I have just finished reading your book. It was a wonderful story with a strong message.
I get downhearted about the 'don't give a ....' attitude of some people, the ones who don't recycle, throw their rubbish into rivers, abuse nature and remain totally unconnected. Now I see there is a bigger picture.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece of literature and please write more! I am going to miss Charlie, Leo, Steve, Maddy, Sylvie and Maurice...
...I cannot tell you how happy I am that there will be another book. I got so lost in the story and the different personalities, they almost turned into my family!
Thank you for a wonderful journey. I am re-reading this one, I love books that make me think, I am sorry for sounding gushy but you book has totally changed the way I see the world and the people who are in it. Thank you for that.” Review by Fiona Cary, Uk.
I get downhearted about the 'don't give a ....' attitude of some people, the ones who don't recycle, throw their rubbish into rivers, abuse nature and remain totally unconnected. Now I see there is a bigger picture.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece of literature and please write more! I am going to miss Charlie, Leo, Steve, Maddy, Sylvie and Maurice...
...I cannot tell you how happy I am that there will be another book. I got so lost in the story and the different personalities, they almost turned into my family!
Thank you for a wonderful journey. I am re-reading this one, I love books that make me think, I am sorry for sounding gushy but you book has totally changed the way I see the world and the people who are in it. Thank you for that.” Review by Fiona Cary, Uk.
“I read your book, The Earth Changes, such a beautiful book. I loved all the amazing characters, and could relate to them and their insecurities. This somehow made me feel ok about mine. I know when I share with others I feel supported; letting go of fear becomes far easier. Thank you for helping my journey, and I am so delighted that you are working on your next book.” Susie James, UK, Therapist
“Anne Fallas’s book ‘The Earth Changes’ is one of those very compelling reads – I couldn’t put it down. The well-developed characters, their humanity, their flaws and their stories really enchanted me. I was eager and curious to discover how their lives progressed.
Anne’s vision, her message, her story is powerful, delivered through excellent prose, and to me, divinely inspired. There are so many resonances with my own experiences and promptings about change, and the timing is just right as we are seeing so many disruptions and revolutions taking place in the world.
I am also thrilled to know that Anne is busy working on the sequel, which I’m sure will be eagerly awaited by her many fans. Highly recommended.”
Christine Miller, MA FRSA, Author, Poet, Editor – Your Ultimate Resource, UK
“This was very different from the books I normally read , but it did not stop me being enthralled by it . I couldn’t put it down, I wanted to know how the characters progressed and as with all books what sort of ending it had. The ending left me wanting more !!! Thankfully a sequel is on its way, the sooner the better !! An amazing read.” Cathy Allison, UK
“Like another reviewer I have to say that this was not the usual type of book I read but it had been recommended by a couple of friends. I found the book a compelling read, the characters believable and the storyline has a message for all of us in today’s world. The ending though different was thoroughly intriguing. A first class read!” Geoff Edmiston, UK
“Steve, Charlie and the other characters in ‘The Earth Changes’ are nice people. They have chosen to live in remote countryside. They have both problems and happiness. They work, have parties and – sometimes – drink a little too much.Then something happens with the world. Something serious. And Steve, Charlie and the others have to start all over again. They have to learn everything from the beginning. Not only the practical work about food and shelter, but also something we knew before, but had forgotten:That the world is One and that humans needs all the knowledge from the past, in order to stay in harmony. Not only technology, but something much more important.
Anne Fallas uses everyday language to express the deepest philosophical and poetic feelings. In this first book the stage is set, but ultimately she will bring Steve, Charlie and the others to Gandhara: The place where the East and West met and became friends.” Mio Nielsen, France
“Anne Fallas has some big ideas here for now and for our future. A transformational novel told simply, through the changing lives of a group of people making their best efforts to live in a sustainable way in France. Anne’s knowledge of this lifestyle is very evident and the novel contains many examples of how we might better organise our daily lives in a way that is in tune with the microcosm and macrocosm. Told with humour in a very accessible way, we join the lives of a diverse group of people as they are confronted with fundamental changes of the planet and the way they live their lives. I heartily recommend The Earth Changes – an optimistic vision for our future.
An author to watch.” Richard Crookes, Artist & Illustrator
“The Earth Changes by Anne Fallas proved a surprising read for it almost breaks the rules of conventional story telling. Part of me kept waiting for something to happen; then I realised that the happening was the story, the content, the message and a trail to follow through relationships, community and common sense solutions.
Having set the scene, the story then unfolds into the real substance of the ‘why’ of it – the point and the purpose, and the real value is there both in and after the opening. In the wholeness of the book, there is richness.
Personally, I found a mirror to my Self; the clever simplicity got me to reflect within, to see how complex I can choose to make life and yet, taken at its more humble level, life truly is much richer than our modern hi-tech has allowed it to become. If only for that understanding alone, I’ve taken a lot from The Earth Changes.
Any reader can, like me, choose how they absorb and take this story, for it has many levels, all of them important in the modern world. It is about individual resilience; about inter-relationship dynamics and inter-dependence; about self-development and integrity; about humanity – and the effect humanity has on the world.
It is about the future the world faces, and about how we deal with it. It is a story about change in so many ways.
I’d recommend this book as a useful resource for insights into alternative living choices and ways of being, both as individuals and within communities.”
Benn Abdy Collins, Transitions Mentor
“Whilst staying in France, I happened to pick up a signed copy of your book to read the other day. I have now finished reading it and must say I did enjoy it.
So much of what you wrote is there in the collective consciousness, and beautifully described by you. While reading I felt as though this was happening just down the road from here (and perhaps it is)!
It is good to see the changes you write about presented in such an accessible, clear and easily digestible manner.”
Juin Gibson
“This was recommended to me by a friend, not my usual type of read but was gripped from beginning to end – could hardly put it down. The characters are so believable, would have liked more of their ‘history’ and scene setting. Maybe that is because people fascinate me, want to know how they arrived where they are now.
The way the tale unfolded and the characters developed was unexpected and so different. A great read. Believe there is to be a sequel – great.
Keep writing Anne.”
Lindsay Hart
“Anne Fallas´s ‘The Earth Changes’ describes how a small, rural ex-pat community experiences the ‘shift’ that so many people have been talking about in 2011-2012 and is rich in describing the practical dilemmas that they face. Catastrophic events are alluded to but the intention of this book, or so it seems, is to plunge the reader into the emotional world of the survivors as they, (in some cases reluctantly), experience the shifts in consciousness that accompany the turning of the age! As they reconnect to the Earth in order to survive, the characters sense of who they think they are is shaken to the core as they also begin to tune in to the unseen creative forces that surround them.We badly need a language and a narrative that brings ‘developed’ people back into their rightful role as intermediaries between the creative force of the universe and the beautiful earth.
This book is important because it does just that!”
Frankie Sikes, Trainer, Coach, Counsellor
A review from the magazine 'Kindred Spirit'...
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